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Sunday School Guide


To help the congregation of Zion determine where they fit in our amazing Sunday School program, your Christian Education team has put together this guide. We hope that it will encourage you to attend an ongoing class, volunteer in the children's program, or even fill a need and start a new group discussion in any open room. Please see Jamie Hampton or Bonnie Phillips with questions



Children and Youth Classes

Nursery, (Birth – 23 months), Location: Nursery (Main Building, 1st floor)

Pre-school, (Ages 2 – 4), Location: Room 102 (Main Building, 1st floor)

Kindergarten - 5th Grade, Location: Room 101 (Main Building, 1st floor)

Youth Group, (Grades 6-12), Location: Youth Room (Family Life Center)



Adult Classes

CSI (ages 18 & up), Location: Red Room (Main Building, 2nd floor)

Grateful Hearts (adults of all ages), Location: Library (Main Building, 1st floor)

Nomads (adults of all ages), Location: Cathedral Room (Family Life Center)

Senior Seekers (ages 60+), Location: Conference Room (Office Building)

Choir and Server Devotions (Shortened devotional for servers and choir members) Location: Choir Room





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